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The BOLD Action Briefing Q2 2024 Newsletter

Writer: Penny WoodPenny Wood

Updated: Jul 2, 2024

Welcome to my second quarterly newsletter. As we head towards the summer holidays for a well-earned break, I can’t believe it’s already the end of June! I wanted to share some highlights with you and to let you know what’s been happening behind the scenes for Penny Wood Talks. Enjoy…

Behind the Scenes


I’ve had the pleasure to be a guest on a couple of podcasts talking about leadership, my own leadership journey, sharing insights and advice for business leaders. Check them out below…

1. “Unplanned Journey” – hosted by Jeevantika Lingalwar at Microsoft

Jeevantika is a Cloud Solution Architect and she created this great podcast where she has a conversation with a huge variety of women from different backgrounds about an unexpected path or challenge that they’ve faced in their life or career. She says that we often hear stories of successful leaders, but seldom hear about the struggles and challenges they’ve faced along their journey – so she created this fantastic podcast to explore that.

I talked about my public speaking unplanned journey, how it started, how one day I went blank and froze in one of my very first speeches – yes it was scary! How mastering my craft of speaking in pubic changed my life completely both professionally and personally and has led to where I am today. I also talk about how to embrace the unknown, and the importance of creating a positive circle of people around you who will support and guide you through your BIG goal.

You can find the interview here on YouTube:

2. “It’s about to go down podcast” – with Marc Williams and Cathey Armillas

It was such a pleasure to re-connect with my fellow NYC Toastmasters @Marc Williams and @Cathey Armillas and join them on their amazing podcast “It’s about to go down!”. Both are highly accomplished speakers - Mark’s been a finalist at the World Champion of Public Speaking and Cathey Armillas is an incredibly accomplished TED storytelling coach. They both rock at what they do and so when we caught up and they invited me to speak on their podcast, I couldn’t say no! This interview was fun and had some interesting twists!

Grab a coffee, have a listen and you’ll learn a lot about our journeys. I share my three-part coaching concept of “Pause, Pivot and Push Forward”.

You can find the interview here on YouTube:


Free Webinars, Lunch and Learns, LinkedIn Lives

Monthly Virtual Webinars – 3rd Wed of the month at 1pm UK time

Every month I offer free webinars to give you value and share my expertise with you all.

My upcoming July webinar on Wednesday 17th July at 1pm UK time, 8am Eastern, is all about how to accelerate your BIG leadership goal this year for success - by getting clarity on what you need to do RIGHT NOW, so that you can take BOLD action, seize every opportunity on the horizon and achieve the leadership success you really want in 2024. How exciting is that?

Register here NOW:

LinkedIn Live Interviews

1. Unlock your style potential – very insightful talk with Chantelle Znideric, award-wining personal stylist about how to maximize and update your wardrobe for success in the new world of work

2. Leading with mental fitness for your team’s success – with Wellness Leadership Coach, Irene Anggreeni. She shared her SAFE model – Safety, Active listening, Feelings, and Enable/Empower, an easy acronym for leaders to remember when supporting their team members with mental health issues


Lunch and Learns

These are online talks I deliver virtually to organisations and this quarter I’ve delivered the following topics to construction consultancies and several UK government departments:

How does motivation unlock success? The theory behind what drives an individual’s behaviour at work, creating the right environment to generate high levels of motivation, leadership behaviours needed to motivate yourself and others

Maximising your Minutes - effective time management – strategies for being more effective at it. People think they do it but are they creating consistency around it?

How to be a confident, empowering speaker? – how to structure a speech/presentation, craft a powerful message and deliver with confidence?

How to recognize Imposter Syndrome? – what is it, how does it manifest, strategies for beating it?


If your organisation or team would like a Lunch and Learn, get in touch with me and we can discuss your requirements.


“Top Voice” for Public Speaking – LinkedIn – for contributing my specialist knowledge and expertise within the LinkedIn community. I was very pleased to be recognized as at Top Voice, receiving my badge in June.

Client Successes

And what about all of you? This quarter I’ve seen many of my clients achieve some great results, especially leaders who’ve got out of their comfort zones and overcome some big challenges. Here are a couple of examples of some of the outcomes they achieved including:

Executive coaching - re-gaining confidence through targeted coaching which enabled the individual to communicate more effectively. This impacted and transformed all sorts of different outcomes, some of which were unexpected and produced unforeseen additional benefits, creating a win-win scenario for all parties.

Public Speaking coaching - creating a robust framework to deliver an engaging Elevator Pitch - which could be re-used and re-structured for things like upcoming job interviews for senior leadership roles, as well as networking events, moderating panels etc. Creating the right structure with engaging short, succinct stories that keep the listener wanting to know more.

As always, it’s been amazing to see all the different results unfold and such a pleasure and an honour to be part of someone’s transformation and growth, getting the results and success they really want - and it’s why I love what I do.

Volunteer Mentoring

I’ve been busy with the Empowering Girls mentoring scheme. I completed the programme with my first mentee from Year 9 this term and as we reflected and celebrated her journey, she couldn’t believe how much she’d learned. More importantly, she understands exactly what next steps she needs to take to start the journey to her chosen career. It was so satisfying to see that clarity unfold with my mentee - the excitement about the journey ahead for her, the realization that there’s a lot of work to do to achieve her BIG goal, getting clarity on what route she will take to make it happen, qualifications she needs, pathways to university, seeking work experience to get a flavour of the type of role she’s looking for etc.

Absolutely loved the process and experience and look forward to starting with a new mentee in September.

And finally...

Very happy with my second quarter for this year serving all of you, delivering value, sharing knowledge, taking BOLD action, getting results, mastering my leadership and coaching craft.

I have some exciting news coming up for the next quarter, so check out my social media for those announcements in the future. If you want to be one of the first people to find out what’s happening, you can subscribe to my email list here.

If you'd like a conversation about how coaching could support your leadership development, let's chat. 

Also, don’t forget to connect with me on LinkedIn @pennywood and subscribe to this newsletter too, so that you keep in touch with all things Penny Wood Talks. I look forward to taking BOLD action and serving you all for the rest of the year and beyond.

For those of you taking time off over the summer holiday period, I hope you enjoy a well-earned break with your family and friends and I’ll see you all very soon.

Exciting times…



Penny Wood, FloL, CMgr MCMI, DTM

Business Leadership Success Coach - helping business leaders take BOLD actions that deliver next level success!

Mob: +44 (0)7910 481372



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